3 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Spring

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3 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Spring

3 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Spring

19 February 2016
, Blog

As winter ends and spring approaches, it is time to think about more than putting your winter clothes away. You also need to get your home prepared for the change in weather and increase of using your air conditioner. Here are some things to do before spring arrives.

Maintain Your HVAC System

Since you likely used your heater often during the winter season, now is a good time to have the system maintained. You want your filters to be clean, so replace them or clean them, depending on if they are reusable or disposable. Also have your ducts and vents cleaned by a professional HVAC company. The same company can inspect your system, looking for potential repairs that need to be done before you start needing to use the system for cool air in your home. By having your HVAC system maintained and repaired by air conditioning services now, you ensure it will work properly for the hot spring and summer seasons. Pay close attention to the air conditioner specifically, as it will be used more often. It is also a good idea to make sure your ceiling fans are clean and working so you can use them with the air conditioners.

Do Some Spring Cleaning

Spring is also the perfect time to do more deep cleaning. It is also a great time to clean certain areas of your home that often get overlooked. For example, you may sweep and mop the floors, but what about the walls and ceilings? They also need to be dusted and washed to remove dirt, debris, and fingerprints. You should also clean the windows inside and out, inside cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom, and in spaces you don't often use, like your attic and basement. If you have crawl spaces in your home, this is also a great time to remove dust and check for pests.

Get Your Yard Ready

When the inside of your home is clean, head out to the yard and start getting it ready for spring growth. If you had a harsh winter, your gardens might be starting over from scratch. You may need to prepare your soil for planting by adding fertilizer or mulch. Decide what you want to plant for the spring season and get tilling done if necessary. Treat pests in the yard as well so you have less of a problem with them eating your plants once they start to grow.

About Me
Remodelling Fever: Best Advice About Construction And Contractors

Hello. I'm Kyle, and I work as a real estate valuer. Lately, I see a lot of people hopping on the renovating trend in order to sell properties at a higher price. Some people really do get it right, but I've seen some terrible remodelling jobs. The wrong renovation can actually reduce the value of a house! My family and friends always ask me for remodelling advice, and I see some common factors in successful renovations. First and foremost, those property owners choose excellent contractors. Secondly, the construction work is high quality. I started this blog so that others who have questions about construction and contractors might benefit from my knowledge. Please browse and enjoy. Thank you for visiting.
