Know Your Soil: Signs That You Have Bad Soil and Remedies to Fix It

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Know Your Soil: Signs That You Have Bad Soil and Remedies to Fix It

Know Your Soil: Signs That You Have Bad Soil and Remedies to Fix It

16 February 2016
Construction & Contractors, Blog

Good soil management is the key to having a good or healthy soil. Through the addition of beneficial amendments, you can improve even the poorest soils to be productive and healthy. Different farms have different soil requirements, and for this reason, get to know your soil, whether it's your farm or your small backyard garden. To help you, here are a few signs that your soil isn't good and possible ways to fix them.  

Low and High Nitrogen Levels

Nitrogen is an important component for crop growth and nutrition. If the leaves of your plant are falling off or discolouring, your soil is likely low in nitrogen. To fix this, you can add compost to your soil. Too much nitrogen in soil is also not good for your plants. Some of the signs of too much nitrogen include downward cupping and wilting of the older leaves, which may be followed by brown or yellow-burnt areas on the lower leaves. Adding mulch to the soil will fix this problem. In addition, you can plant vegetables like broccoli, corn, and cabbage that will bring down or deplete the nitrogen levels.


Moss is not a good thing to have in your farm or garden. It is a sign that your soil has high acidity levels. For this reason, add some lime or wood ash to help bring your soil to levels that are more neutral. In addition, carefully look at the location of your garden at the end of the planting season. Moss will not do well in direct sunlight. If there are any overhanging bushes or tree branches blocking your garden from the sun, moss can grow. Therefore, make sure you remove sunlight obstructions.

Low Phosphorus Levels

If your backyard vegetables appear purple, they may be low in phosphorus. If the temperature of your soil is low, you will experience such cases. The phosphorous will probably be present in your soil, but the low temperature hinders it from being released to the plant. For this reason, add mulch to your garden or farm to increase the temperature of the soil and get the phosphorous released.

Hard and Cracked Soil

Your soil should be crumbly but not hard, cracked or dry. This is because if your soil is cracked and dry, water will run off instead of being absorbed. To deal with this issue, add organic matter frequently and avoid compacting the soil.

For further assistance, contact professionals for soil testing.

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Remodelling Fever: Best Advice About Construction And Contractors

Hello. I'm Kyle, and I work as a real estate valuer. Lately, I see a lot of people hopping on the renovating trend in order to sell properties at a higher price. Some people really do get it right, but I've seen some terrible remodelling jobs. The wrong renovation can actually reduce the value of a house! My family and friends always ask me for remodelling advice, and I see some common factors in successful renovations. First and foremost, those property owners choose excellent contractors. Secondly, the construction work is high quality. I started this blog so that others who have questions about construction and contractors might benefit from my knowledge. Please browse and enjoy. Thank you for visiting.
