Alternatives to Glass Splashbacks for People on a Budget

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Alternatives to Glass Splashbacks for People on a Budget

Alternatives to Glass Splashbacks for People on a Budget

16 February 2016
, Blog

Glass splashbacks look classy and beautiful in a kitchen, and they are typically easier to clean than tiled splash backs with stained grout. However, glass splashbacks can be expensive. If you don't think you can work a glass splashback into your kitchen renovation budget, here are some tips and ideas to consider:

1. Mix glass and tile.

In many cases, people want a glass splashback behind their stovetop, but they also want it to extend over all of their nearby cupboards. If you want a glass splashback but cannot afford to put it everywhere, consider mixing glass and tile.

Put a small glass splashback behind the stovetop where it can get splattered with grease and sauce. Then, put tile over the rest of the nearby wall. That allows you to enjoy some glass while also keeping your price down.

2. Consider stainless steel.

If mixing materials doesn't work for your budget, consider switching from glass to stainless steel.

Stainless steel splashbacks are considerably cheaper than their glass counterparts. In many cases, because they are lighter weight, they are also easier to install. You simply order one and attach it to your wall using screws. Once it's up, it looks metallic, but it also provides a shiny effect that is similar to glass.

3. Play with other types of metal like tin ceiling tiles.

If you want something more unique than stainless steel, there are other types of metal that can work perfectly as a splashback. In particular, if you love the unique style created by glass, consider emulating that with a splashback made from pressed tin ceiling tiles.

These tiles were popular for decades, but now instead of just appearing on ceilings, they can also be used to cover walls or as splashbacks. The only downside of this unique alternative to glass splash backs is that most pressed tin tiles have a lot of details, and food can get stuck in the crevices and grooves.

4. Use peel and stick tiles.

If you want a smooth splashback, you can make your own inexpensive version with peel and stick tiles. These are less expensive than ceramic tiles, they are easier to install, and they don't have grout. As a result, you have to scrub the tile splashback, but you never have to worry about cleaning the grout. Also, if you ever get tired of your stick and peel tiles, you can just pull them off the wall and replace them.

For more information about your options for a kitchen splashback, contact a local kitchen renovation company. 


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Remodelling Fever: Best Advice About Construction And Contractors

Hello. I'm Kyle, and I work as a real estate valuer. Lately, I see a lot of people hopping on the renovating trend in order to sell properties at a higher price. Some people really do get it right, but I've seen some terrible remodelling jobs. The wrong renovation can actually reduce the value of a house! My family and friends always ask me for remodelling advice, and I see some common factors in successful renovations. First and foremost, those property owners choose excellent contractors. Secondly, the construction work is high quality. I started this blog so that others who have questions about construction and contractors might benefit from my knowledge. Please browse and enjoy. Thank you for visiting.
